Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Real Life Lightsabers For Real?

So a couple of weeks ago I was surfing the web checking out all the new gadets and gizmos that had come on the market. When I stumbled across an article on So nautrally after reading this I wanted to know more and read more several other articles and watched a few youtube videos. And in one of these videos they show that the blue laser is hot enough to light a ciggarette. Seriously, a freaking ciggarette, there is no way these things can be legal. They are a weapon, well upon finding the companies website  and looking around there sure enough these things are in fact legal, and can be purchased for a high price. The green lightsaber will run you $549.85 and the blue lightsaber will run you $449.85. But all in all this was a pretty cool find.

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